줄기차다 (Julgichada)

© Directed by Dohee Park, Hyunjung Cha


무엇인가에 하나로 묶인 채 앞으로 나아가기 위해 노력하는 성아.

그녀를 방해하는 것은 저 너머의 큰 나무일까?

호기심에 그녀를 감싸고 있는 것을 추적해보는데…

Seong-ah, who strives to move forward while bound by something. Is it the towering tree on the other side that hinders her progress? She tracks what envelops her with curiosity.

Intent of the Project

민들레 씨가 퍼지는 방법과 같이 들꽃들이 ‘자연스럽게’ 생존하는 것을 보며 작은 생명의 강인함을 상기시키고자 하였다. 불청객이라고 생각했던 들꽃들이 우리에게 전하는 ‘자연스러운’ 이야기에 귀 기울이고자 한다.

In observing how wildflowers "naturally" thrive, much like the way dandelion seeds disperse, we aim to evoke the resilience of small life forms. By listening to the "natural" story that wildflowers, once considered intruders, have to share, we hope to raise awareness.


Directors: Dohee Park, Hyunjung Cha

Screenplay: Dohee Park

Actor: Donna Kim

Choreography: Donna Kim

DoP: Dohee Park, Hyunjung Cha

Editing: Dohee Park, Hyunjung Cha

Music: Dongki Kim

Still Images

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